Tuesday, 26 November 2013

VSoft Technology .Net Interview Questions

1)Explain Abstraction and Encapsulation

2)What are the different ways to achieve Polymorphism?

3)Explain IIS Authentication with diiferent types?

4)What is Delegate?

5)Write how to declare Delegate? How to define Events explicity? How to raise an Event and Where?

6)What information stored in Strong Name?

7)How we can handle State management Techniques?

8)What are the Session management Techniques?

9)What is Web Garden and Web Farm?

10)What are the basic reqquirements of SOA Architecture?

11)Is web Service is coming under SOA?

12)Can we do the Transactions in WCF?


1. CLR

2. CTS(in which form it will be conveted)

3. IL(Intermediate Language form)

4. COmponents of Assembliy

5. Garbage collector

6. Generation in .net


7. Abrastclass

8. difference between abstact and interface

9. in which scenario abstact class u have used

10. difference between abstract method and virtual method

11. static constructor

12. Abstraction, Encapsulation


1. Diff b/w ExecuteBonQuery and ExecuteScalar?


12. y we are using statemanagement tecniques

13. cookies definition

14. where cookies actually stored

15. difference between xml and html

16. datacontract

17. endpoing

18. Dual binding

19. Data Controls in .net

20. Session Management

21. What is data grid and what is the use of it?

22. session life cycle

23. authentication type

24. Diff array and arraylist

25. generics? why we need generics? examples

26. Connection Pooling

17. asp.net life cycle events?

18. trasactions in sql server?

19. diff Protected n Protected Internal

Sql server:-

19. what is stored procedure

20. difference between function and sps

21. can functions use Transactions

22. write the query to get last 10 records from table

23. do u have any idea about triggers

24. syntax of stored procdure

25. Types of Stored procedures

26. What are magical tables

27. Diff b/w Primary key and Unique Key

28. Save point

29. Increasing the stored Procedure performance?

30. SQL-Transaction Statements?

What is the advantage of using stored procedure over the SQL queries?

Microsoft :-

1. Datasturctures

2. what is the use ok linked list

3. Replacing characters of char array with two chars?

  eg: char a[]={a,b,c,a,f,d}

      replace a with "an"

4. which is best one in stack, queue, linkedlist?

5. what is Polymorphism? real time examples?

Linq :-

1. Linq name space?

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