Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Philips.Net Interview Questions

  1. What is Data Abstraction?
  2. Explain Explicit Interface.
  3. Difference between Abstract Class & Interface.
  4. Can a Abstract Class be instantiated. Can an interface be instantiated.
  5. How do you enforce garbage collection in .Net.
  6. What are read only properties.
  7. What is GAC.
  8. What is strong name. Four properties of strong name.
  9. Explain Serialization. Difference between Serialization and ISerialization.
  10. What is Boxing and Unboxing.
  11. Explain Delegate and Multicast Delegate.
  12. What is reflection. How do you use reflection in dot net.
  13. How do you create strong name.
  14. Explain Virtual Method.
  15. What is singleton and factory pattern.

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