Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Polaris .Net Interview Questions

  1. Diff b/w .net2.0 framework and .ner3.5 framework?
  2. Diff b/w sql 2.0 and sql2.5?
  3. Asp.net page life cycle?
  4. Diff b/w datagrid n dataview n datarepeater? Use
  5. Indexes in sql?
  6. Crystal reports question?
  7. Restric the text area n text box lenghts?
  8. Master page loaded event?
  9. Difference between server.execute() and server.transfer()?
  10. In which event we will apply color to a grid.
  11. Diff between pre render and render.
  12. Temp table.
  13. What is use of created static classes and static variables.
  14. Where session id will store in client side.
  15. Custom control and user control ? When to use controls.
  16. Viewstate where it will store.
  17. What are oops concepts ? What are type of polymorphisum.
  18. Which is run time polymorphisum.
  19. Diff between overriding and overloading.
  20. Diff between inhertance and static.
  21. What is static class what is pupose of delcaring class as static.
  22. What are  contraints in db.
  23. Which is referiantial intergrity contriant.
  24. Diff between primary and unique key.
  25. Diff between sp and functions.
  26. Can we return more than one value from sp.
  27. What is an view and its pupose.
  28. In order to insert into multiple views what we will do.
  29. Which trigger we will use for complex view.
  30. Command properties? What will excecute scalar will return.
  31. What value it will return if my table contains 10 rows and 10 columns.
  32. What is prupose of garbage collector and how it will work.
  33.  how we will do disposing give syntax.
  34. Indexes in c#.
  35. Delegate and events.
  36. What is purpose of generics.
  37. What is an objet.
  38. Different mode of session.
  39. When we will use state server and sql server mode.
  40. How server will identify the client browser.
  41. Wher viewstate will maintained.
  42. How to validate drop downlist where i was selected are not using required field validator
  43. Diff between render and prerender
  44. Ref and out
  45. Which event is not present in master page
  46. Diff types of indexers in sql server
  48. Triggers
  49. Isolation levels in sql server
  50. Two uses of new keyword

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